The Best Essential Oils for Attention and Focus ADHD Has Met Its Match
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The Best Essential Oils for Attention and Focus: ADHD has Met Its Match

My son has ADHD.  An actual honest-to-goodness, psychiatrist-diagnosed, second opinion-verified diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  As a medication-averse parent, I hoped and prayed that I could help my son with natural solutions (and a little therapy, if needed).   Thankfully, nature had already paved the way.

Recent peer-reviewed scientific research has shown that certain essential oils can help decrease the symptoms of ADHD, including difficulty focusing (inattention), impulse control and excessive inappropriate speaking and movement.  The best essential oils for ADHD are:

  • Vetiver Essential Oil
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • A Specific Blend of the Essential Oils of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Cedarwood, Blue Cypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.
  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Orange Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil



ADHD Basics (a Father’s Perspective)

ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is the second most common childhood condition in America, affecting 11% of American children ages 4 to 17, or about 7 million children.  This is according to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC).

However, ADHD is not just a childhood disorder.  Nearly 4 four percent of American adults aged 18 years and older are formally diagnosed with ADHD.  I truly believe that I had (and likely continue to have) ADHD.   Obviously, being a late ‘70’s/early ‘80s child, combined with the freedom and environment to run around outside all day, I was not formally diagnosed.  But looking back (and evaluating myself even now), I believe I displayed ADHD symptoms…and maybe I’m why my son has it?

Anyway, some of the common symptoms associated with ADHD include impulsivity (lacking impulse control), hyperactivity (not only with movement, but also with speech) and inattention (lack of focus).


Common Treatments for ADHD

The most common treatment options for ADHD include behavior therapy and (unfortunately) ADHD medication.  It has become commonplace for children and adolescents with ADHD to be prescribed powerful amphetamines (stimulants), including Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse for the treatment of ADHD.

The behavior therapy approach should be the first-line treatment option among children aged two to five, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  I truly hope that is the case with most people.  Unfortunately, it was not the case with my son.  The first thing out of the docs’ mouths after the diagnosis was “let’s see which med we’ll start with.”

Why am I against ADHD meds?  Aside  from the powerful stimulant part, the common ADHD medications tend to cause adverse side effects including irritability, loss of appetite, sleep problems and, occasionally, tachycardia (increased heart rate)…as well as dependency.


My Decision

Because of the scary potential side effects and high likelihood of dependency with traditional ADHD meds, I began to search for natural ways to help my son with his ADHD.  We started with a daily dose of of a high quality fish oil capsule with lots of EPA and DHA.  We then looked at his diet.

After a lot of research, we decided to try a low(ish) carb diet.  I say low-ish because he is a growing adolescent who trains and plays sports all year, so he is able to use carbs for fuel much more efficiently than his pops 😉   But we make sure that his carb intake is high quality (not sugary foods and beverages).  Diet helped, but something was still missing.

And that was when essential oils came into the picture.  After doing a lot of research into natural ADHD treatments, I learned that inhaling a few specific essential oils regularly could drastically reduce ADHD symptoms.

And, as of this writing, his symptoms have all but disappeared.  While he still has the occasional lack of impulse control in class (i.e. he’ll just begin talking out loud in class at inappropriate times), the occurrences are much fewer and further apart than before, and when it does happen, he is able to regain self-control almost immediately.  That’s a win!


So, Can Essential Oils Really Help with ADHD?

Recent scientific research has shown promising results with treating ADHD with essential oils, specifically with lessening the symptoms of ADHD without causing adverse side effects.   The research has not only found that certain essential oils decrease the traditional symptoms of ADHD, but the oils also led to an increase in mental performance!

So, if science is proving it…and since I am seeing it in action with my own son…then I say Yes, essential oils really can help with ADHD!  Let’s dive a little deeper.


An Overview of Essential Oils (a Brief Nerd-Out Session)

Essential oils are basically naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds extracted from plants through either distillation or cold pressing.  These oils are found in different parts of a plant including the stem, bark, fruits, flowers, seeds and leaves.

Because of the medicinal properties of plants from all over the planet, humans have used these oils as natural remedies for various ailments for centuries.  In fact, essential oils are arguably the oldest forms of medicine on earth.  The Christian Bible, for instance, mentions various types of (essential) oils, including juniper, frankincense, coriander, myrrh, cedarwood and many others hundreds of times throughout scripture.


Essential Oils for ADHD:  Backed by Science

According to one of the longest studies on the subject, vetiver and several other essential oils were proven to significantly help improve the symptoms of ADHD children age 6-12. The 1999-2001 study conducted by Dr. Terry Friedman found that vetiver, as well as several other essential oils and oil blends, improved ADHD symptoms in children with ADHD.

The study involved 40 children ages 6 to 12 divided into two equal groups based on their ADHD status. The first group consisted of 20 children clinically diagnosed with ADHD.  The second group of 20 were 6-12 year old children not diagnosed with ADHD.  The second group served as a control group.

Dr. Friedman used four different types of essential oils for this study including lavender,cedarwood, vetiver, and Brain Power (a blend of several essential oils including sandalwood, frankincense, , melissa, lavender, cedarwood, blue cypress, and helichrysum essential oils).  The route to get the oils into the body was inhalation.

The final results of the experiment were quite encouraging.  Lavender oil increased performance in ADHD patients by 53%, cedarwood essential oil by 83% and vetiver oil by 100%.  Explaining the results, Dr. Friedman noted that the calming and relaxing properties of vetiver oil helped the patients combat their ADD and ADHD symptoms, which include inattention, disorganization, impatience and hyperactivity.

Regarding the use of essential oils for ADHD, Dr. Friedman said: “When the essential oil is inhaled, the micro droplets are carried to the limbic system of the brain, which is that portion that is the processing center for reason, emotion and smell, and to the hypothalamus, which is the hormone command center. The essential micro droplets are also carried to the lungs where they enter the circulatory system.”

Needless to say, I was very happy to read that our real-world results were validated by a legitimate scientific research study.


Other Essential Oils for ADHD and My Preferences

Besides the aforementioned essential oils, additional oils that can help improve ADHD symptoms include citrus oils (lemon, orange), rosemary and peppermint essential oils.  These essential oils have been found to be effective in improving concentration and memory.   Additionally, frankincense is known to improve cognitive function, clarity and emotional wellness, as well as reduce inflammation.

Over the past few years, I have had my son on several regimens (different single oils, as well as blends) to see what would be best for his ADHD.  So far, a blend of 10 drops of Vetiver, 10 drops Peppermint and 10 drops cedarwood seem to work best for us.  We use a basic diffuser with distilled water (read your diffuser’s manual for the type of water recommended).  The smell is interesting, but it’s my son’s favorite blend, so we go with it…and it works!


A Quick PSA:  Not All Essential Oils are Equal

To enjoy the full benefits of essential oils, you should purchase essential oils of the highest quality.  There are two main types of essential oils on the market today: natural / “pure” oils and certified therapeutic grade (CTG) essential oils.  The former are the most common on the market, but they are typically overly processed, meaning they do not offer much in term of healing properties.  The latter offer the most in terms of healing properties, so you should choose CTG whenever possible.  Additionally, I suggest to only buy essential oils products that adhere to strict third-party testing.


In Closing…

Research indicates…and my family’s experiences confirm… that essential oils such as vetiver oil (and several others) can help improve the symptoms of ADHD.  And when a child can focus and unwind and concentrate and perform to his potential and get real rest without a racing mind…then both the child and his family can be happier!



The Best Essential Oils for Attention and Focus ADHD has met its match essentialoilslounge.comb

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